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     The interface section of the PullTTT5 unit includes a variable PTTT of
     type MenuDisplay. The elements of the PTTT record have Toolkit
     defaults and do not need to be altered. However, the programmer can
     change the look and feel of the menu by changing any element(s) of

     PTTT is defined as follows:

                            TOPX : BYTE;
                            TOPY : BYTE;
                            STYLE : BYTE;
                            FCOL : BYTE;
                            BCOL : BYTE;
                            CCOL : BYTE;
                            MBCOL : BYTE;
                            HFCOL : BYTE;
                            HBCOL : BYTE;
                            BORCOL : BYTE;
                            GAP : BYTE;
                            LEFTCHAR : BYTE;
                            RIGHTCHAR : BYTE;
                            ALLOWESC : BOOLEAN;
                            REMOVEMENU : BOOLEAN;
                            ALWAYSDOWN : BOOLEAN;
                            HOOK : PULL_HOOK; {V5.0 ONLY}

     TopX - the X coordinate of the top left of menu. Default: 1.

     TopY - the Y coordinate of the top of the menu. Default: 1.

     Style - the format of the menu border where:

                    0         no border
                    1         single line border
                    2         double line border

                    Default: 1.

     Fcol - normal menu topic foreground (0..15). Default: yellow for color
     systems, lightgray for monochrome.

     Bcol - normal menu topic background (0..7). Default: blue for color
     systems, black for monochrome.

     Ccol - highlight color for first capital letter (0..15). Default:
     lightcyan for color systems, white for monochrome.

     MBCol - background color for the selected main topic when a sub-menu
     is displayed (0..7). Default: red for color systems, lightgray for

     HFCol - highlighted menu topic foreground (0..15). Default: yellow for
     color systems, black for monochrome.

     HBCol - highlighted menu topic background (0..7). Default: red for
     color systems, lightgray for monochrome.

     BorCol - foreground color of border (0..15). Default: cyan for color
     systems, lightgray for monochrome.

     Gap - number of character spaces between topics. Default: 2.

     LeftChar - the symbol used to highlight the left side of the selected
     topic. Set it to a space (' ') to suppress the display. Default: a
     right arrow head, chr(016).

     RightChar - the symbol used to highlight the right side of the
     selected topic. Set it to a space (' ') to suppress the display.
     Default: a left arrow head, chr(017).

     AllowEsc - set to true if Esc key is enabled. Note that the Main
     heading pick is returned as zero if the user ESCapes. Default: true.

     RemoveMenu - set to true if screen is to be restored after the user
     selects option. Default: true.

     AlwaysDown - set to true if the menu is to be permanently displayed
     with the sub-topics displayed. Default: true.

     Hook - (Turbo 5 only). Used to hook a procedure into the Pull_menu
     routine. Default: No_Hook.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson